
ACCESSORIES STEPPED FLASHING - RACCORD MURAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Lenght - Longueur ___ Working lenght - Longueur utile Fix the ridge on each wave using CPooN COPPO&SOLE CMCPTOP 19ox16ox1740 CMCPANC 19ox16ox1740 CMCPANF 19ox16ox1740 Fixez la faitiere sur chaque onde avec CPooN • "> •o , ',,, ',, ', ', CMCPANV 19ox16ox1740 CMCPANU 19ox16ox1740 CMCPRTOP 19ox16ox1740 '> ACCESSO/RES ~ PIECES PIECES 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOR SHEETS P.OUR PLAQUES ml Ill STEPPED FLASHING - This accessory joins the sloping plane (roofing pitch) and the vertical surface (walD combining a smooth part which has to be put on and fixed to the wall and another part composed of nine waves that have the same pitch as the sheet The item overlaps the sheet to guarantee storm water downflow and prevent infiltrations. RACCORD MURAL - Element qui permet le raccord entre le plan incline (le versant) et le plan vertical (mur d'appui): ii est forme d'une partie /isse qui doit etre posee et fixee au mur ou engravee, et d'une partie formee de gondes au meme pas que la plaque. L'accessoire doit recouvrir la plaque pour assurer /'etancheite sans risque d'infiltration. DIAGONAL RIDGE - FAIT/ERE DIAGONALE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Lenght - Longueur ___ Working lenght - Longueur utile Fix the ridge on each wave using CPooN Fixez la faitiere sur chaque onde avecCPooN • ' ',/ CDCPTOP 2oox125x1620 CDCPANC 2oox125x1620 CDCPANF 2oox125x1620 CDCPANV 2oox125x1620 CDCPANU 2oox125x1620 CDCPRTOP 2oox125x1620 PIECES PIECES 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOR SHEETS P.OUR PLAQUES ml Ill DIAGONAL RIDGE - It joins the different lateral and frontal roof pitches which meet at the inclined ridge line. The lateral ends of the diagonal ridge are straight because they will have to be shaped during the sheet laying according to the slope of the pitches to be joined. FAIT/ERE DIAGONALE -La faitiere diagonale raccorde Les differents versants lateraux. Les parois laterales de la faitiere diagonale presentent une partie plane qu'il faudra decouper durant la pose, en fonction de deux criteres: la pente de la couverture et /'angle forme par les deux pans de couverture. TERMINAL RIDGE - FAIT/ERE TERM/NALE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Lenght - Longueur ___ Working lenght - Longueur utile Fix the ridge on each wave using CPooN Fixez la faitiere sur chaque onde avecCPooN • ' ',,,,/ 00 '7, CTCPTOP CTCPANC 2oox125x440 CTCPANF 2oox125x440 CTCPANV 2oox125x440 CTCPANU 2oox125x440 CTCPRTOP 2oox125x440 PIECES PIECES 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOR SHEETS P.OUR PLAQUES ml Ill TERMINAL RIDGE - This finishing accessory comes at the end of acrest ridge and/or adiagonal ridge. To mount it in the right way and to prevent water infiltrations, you have to put it under the desired ridge. FAIT/ERE TERM/NALE - C'est un accessoire definition qui permet la fermeture finale de la faitiere etlou de la faiilere diagonale. Pour garantir un montage correct de cet element, ii faut le posilionner sous la faiilere ou la faitiere diagonale pour eviter les infiltrations d'eau. 3 WAY RIDGE - FAIT/EREA TROIS VO/ES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Lenght - Longueur ___ Working lenght - Longueur utile Fix the ridge on each wave using CPooN Fixez la faitiere sur chaque onde avecCPooN ' CYCPTOP 375x125x560 1 ml CYCPANC 375x125x560 1 Ill CYCPANF 375x125x560 1 ~ CYCPANV 375x125x560 1 CYCPANU 375x125x560 1 ~ 3WAY RIDGE - The 3-way ridge joins the ridge and the diagonal ridges together. To mount it in the right way, you have to put it under the desired ridge; the two diverging elements of the 3-way ridge must overlap the diagonal ridges so that these can be laid with avariable angle. FAIT/EREATRIS VO/ES - II permet le raccord entre la faitiere et les faitieres diagonales. Pour garantir un montage correct de cet element, ii convient de le positionner sous la faitiere: l'ecartement inferieur devra chevaucher Les faitieres diagonales permettant la pose de ces dernieres avec un angle variable. 19