
INSTALLING SHEETS LAYING DIRECTION To install the sheets Coppo you have to follow an obligatory laying direction from the Left to the right and an optimum overlap designed to obtain the maximum usable roof area (see the picture on the right). The vertical overlap must be positioned preserving the aesthetic continuity of the sheets. INTERSECTION OF 4 SHEETS On the right you can see in details the intersection between vertical and horizontal overlapping of Coppo sheets. COPPO&SOLE INSTALLATION DIRECTION DE POSE DES PLAQUES Les plaques Lastra Cappo doivent obligatoirement etre posee de gauche a droite en respectant le recouvrement etudie pour obtenir la meilleure couverture possible (voir le schema a gauche). Le recouvrement vertical des plaques doit etre positionne en gardant la continuite esthetique de la couverture. INTERSECT/ON DE4 PLAQUES A gauche vous trouvez le detail de /'intersection entre recouvrement vertical et horizontal des plaques Cappo. ADVISABLE DISTANCE OVERLAP MINIMUM SLOPE SUGGESTIONS ON NUMBERANDP0SITI0N0FTHEFIXINGS ENTRAXE CONSEILLE RECOUVREMENT PENTEMINIMUM CONSE/LS SUR NOMBRE ETPOSITION DES FIXATIONS 21