
TECHNICAL FEATURES FIRE RESISTANT AND SELF-ESTINGUISHING "Classe 1" fire rated according to UNI 9177,"Classement M1" according to NFP 92-507:2004 RESISTANT TO HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURES Temperature range between -20· and qo· C. THERMAL EXPANSION Thanks to their extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion, Cover-Life sheets are able to reflect thermal energy and to guarantee great dimensional stability. THERMAL CONDUCTIBILITYAND ACOUSTIC INSULATION Cover-Life sheets offer particularly low thermal transmission, equivalent to 0,225 Kcal/h.mK Excellent acoustic insulation, greater sound reduction than metal sheets. IMPACT STRENGTH Excellent impact and loading capabilities - both static and accidental loads. RESISTANCE TOCHEMICALAND ATMOSPHERICAGENTS Fully resistant to very aggressive environments (i.e. chemical agents, saline mist, industrial exhalations, acids, etc.) DURABILITYOVERTIME The sheets have a 15 year warranty on structural stability. The guarantee does not include handling, transport, storage damages and non-compliant laying made without specific accessories. LIGHTWEIGHTAND EASYTO INSTALL The Cover-Life roofing sheets are easy to handle, cut and install. The laying of Cover-Life is cheaper than that of traditional plates (saving mainly on the underlying structure). SELF BENDING Cover-Life roofing sheets are semi flexible. Their technical features allow the installation on curved surfaces with a bending radius equal or greater than 5 meters for Etruria and Eurogreca models and equal or greater than 12 meters for Romana model. NON ROTTING Cover-Life sheets are rot proof against moss and fungi. They remain intact over time. I~ covERlife® CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES 6 RESISTANT AU FEU ET AUTO-EXTINGUIBLE Les tests effectues permettent de classer les plaques CoverLife: "Classe 1" selon la norme UNI 9177: "Classement M1" selon la norme NFP 92-507:2004 REACTIONS AUX BASSES ET HAUTES TEMPERATURES Resistant aux chocs thermiques et a des temperatures de -20· aqo·c. COEFFICIENT DE DILATATION Grace a leur coefficient de dilatation thermique extremement bas, les plaque Cover-Life offrent la capacite maximale a reflechir l'energie thermique et a garantir une stabilite dimensionnelle optimale. CONDUCIBILITE THERMIQUE ET ISOLATION ACOUSTIQUE Grace aux matieres premieres utiLisees a la production, la plaque Cover-Life a une conductibilite thermique tres basse, equivalent a 0,225 Kcal/h.m.K., et offre une capacite d'isolation thermique optimale. RESISTANCE MECHANIQUE AUX CHOCS Grande resistance aux chocs meme a des temperatures extremes. RESISTANCE AUX AGENTS CHIMIQUES /ENVIRONNEMENTAUX Grace a leur structure, la plaque Cover-Life resiste a l'action des agents chimiques et atmospheriques ainsi qu'aux emanations aggressives propres aux environnements industriels. INALTERABILITEAU FIL DU TEMPS Les plaques beneficient d'une garantie de 15 ans sur le plan structurel. La garantie exclut les dommages causes par la manipulation, le transport et stockage des plaques, et la mise en ceuvre non-conforme effectuee sans nos accessoires LEGERETE ET FACILITE DE POSE Les plaques de couverture sont faciles a manipuler, a decouper et a installer. La mise en oeuvre de Cover-Life revient mains cher que l'utilisation des plaques de couverture traditionnelles (economies realisees sur la structure sous-jacente aux plaques). AUTO CINTRABLE Les plaques Cover-Life sont semi flexibles. Leurs caracteristiques techniques permettent la mise en place en surface courbe avec des rayons admissibles minimum de 5 m (mod Etruria et Greca) et des rayons de 12 m (mod. Romana). IMPUTRESCIBILITE Les plaques Cover-Life sont imputrescibles, ce qui previent toute apparition de mousse, champignons, etc. Elles restent intactes dans le temps.