
DEFINITION OF ROOFING COMPONENTS I~ covERlife® DEFINITION DES ELEMENTS DE COUVERTURE Pitched roof: It is the most used flat roofing, composed of horizontal sloping planes whose degree of inclination is equal to the difference of heigth between the gutter line and the top edge. Barrel roof: When the roofing pitch is not flat. it may have various shapes, e.g. circular or semicircular, with a certain bend radius. Ridge line: It is the horizontal intersection line between two divergent sloping roof planes. Its function is to facilitate storm water drainage. Edge line: Sloping line at the lateral end of a roofing surface. Joining line between vertical surfaces: It is the intersection line between sloping planes (roofing) and vertical surfaces (wall). Valley: Joining line between two converging pitches. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Toiture inclinee: toiture en pente dont l'inclinaison correspond a la difference de cote entre la ligne d'egout et la ligne de faitage. Toiture courbe: couverture qui presente une structure circulaire . Ligne de faitage horizontal: c'est le point de jonction de deux versants permettant de repartir Les eaux de pluie. Ligne de rive: elle indique la bordure laterale de chaque versant. Ligne de raccord vertical: elle indique la ligne d'intersection entre Les surfaces inclinees (versants) et Les surfaces verticales (parois). Noue: ligne d'intersection de deux versants convergents formant un angle concave.