
13 The modular drainage channels, often combined with other ground products (siphon traps, drain wells with grids or covers), are ideal for rainwater drainage. Rainwater can be collected using two systems: over areas (rectangular or square) or linear. The area drainage system is suitable in case rainwater falls over a surface that can be divided into various inclines going down to a network of drain wells. This system, however, requires higher realization costs due the greater amount of materials and work that is necessary. A linear drainage system is to be installed where the area to be drained consists of one incline (or a double incline as shown in the drawing on the right) that conveys water into a drainage channel. In this case, you select a water collection solution that is less expensive, functional, and nice-looking at a time. Ease of use of First Plast PVC products enables creating drainage networks in all places and surfaces and for all rain types. Whether you select a water drainage system based on points (using traps, grids and drain wells) or on trenches (drainage channels), you should always know very well the rainfall volume to design a suitable system. When the volume of water to be drained is known, it is possible to choose the type of channel and grid with the tables below considering also the planned slope of the drainage net. In this example where the water volume to be evacuated is Lt. 8,33 and the length of the channel is 10 mt. the choice is the following: • PRATIKO 400 SHALLOW (CSB400) =13,29 Lt. /sec WITH NO SLOPE • PRATIKO 100 DEEP (CSA100) = from 8,26 to 10,67 Lt. /sec WITH SLOPE 3%~5% • PRATIKO 200 SHALLOW (CSB200) = from 8,20 to 10,04 Lt. /sec WITH SLOPE 1%~1,5% • PRATIKO 130 DEEP (CSA130) = from 7,20 to 11,29 Lt. /sec WITH SLOPE 0,5%~1% DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS AND TECHNICS V = volume in liters/second to be evacuate H = intensity of rain in mm/hour S = surface to be drain in m² Knowing the intensity of the rain (H) and the surface to be drained (S), the volume of water to be conveyed (V) can be established with the following formula: m. 30 m. 10 EXAMPLE: how to apply the formula on a surface of 300 m² with an average rain fall of 100 mm/h DRAINAGE OVER AREAS LINEAR DRAINAGE V = 100 • 300 = 8,33 l/s 3600 3600 V = S • H LINEAR DRAINAGE H = 100 mm/h S= 300 m 2 8,33 is the volume of water be evacuated for second