
15 With reference to norm EN 12056-3, the capacity related to new pipes have been reduced to take into account the partial obstruction of the pipes especially for low slanting values and for the dirt on the walls caused by cloudy waters. Moreover it is not advisable to use pipes with a diameter less than 100 mm for horizontal collectors especially in the presence of cloudy waters or carrying debris. TABLE 3 capacity in liter/sec. for different gradient setting 0,5% 0,17 0,35 0,71 1,19 1,43 2,76 5,18 6,89 9,72 16,92 30,05 54,44 0,24 0,50 1,01 1,61 2,03 3,90 7,33 9,75 13,75 24,00 42,50 77,00 1% 0,29 0,61 1,24 2,07 2,49 4,78 8,98 11,94 16,84 29,39 52,05 94,30 1,5% 0,34 0,71 1,43 2,39 2,87 5,51 10,37 13,79 19,44 33,94 60,10 108,89 2% 0,41 0,87 1,75 2,93 3,52 6,75 12,69 16,89 23,81 41,57 73,61 133,36 3% 0,54 1,12 2,26 3,78 4,54 8,72 16,39 21,80 30,74 53,66 95,03 172,18 5% 0,76 1,58 3,14 5,34 6,41 12,33 23,18 30,83 43,48 75,89 134,40 243,49 10% CAPACITY OF PVC PIPES FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF SLANTING LAYING Ø 40 Ø 50 Ø 63 Ø 75 Ø 80 Ø 100 Ø 125 Ø 140 Ø 160 Ø 200 Ø 250 Ø 315 TABLE 4 capacity in liter/sec. for different gradient setting 2% 3,10 2,54 11,60 41,43 85,63 4,72 6,75 15,97 39,88 143,29 213,71 4,99 15,81 3,10 3,10 6,75 6,75 3% 3,79 3,12 14,20 20,75 104,87 5,78 8,26 19,55 48,84 175,49 261,75 6,11 19,36 3,79 3,79 8.26 8,26 5% 4,89 4,02 18,33 65,52 135,39 7,46 10.67 25,24 63,06 226,56 337,90 7,89 25 4,89 4,89 10,67 10,67 0,5% 1,6 1,27 5,80 20,72 42,81 2,36 3,37 7,98 19,94 71,64 106,85 2,6 7,91 1,6 1,6 3,37 3,37 1% 2,19 1,80 8,20 29,30 60,55 3,34 4,77 11,29 28,20 101,32 151,12 3,53 11,18 2,19 2,19 4,77 4,77 1,5% 2,68 2,20 10,04 35,88 74,16 4,09 5,84 13,83 34,53 124,09 185,08 4,32 13,69 2,68 2,68 5,84 5,84 10% 6,92 5,69 25,93 92,65 191,47 10,55 15,09 35,70 89,17 320,40 477,88 11,16 35,35 6,92 6,92 15,09 15,09 PORTATA DEI CANALI PER DIVERSI VALORI DI PENDENZA DI POSA CPB130PP CPA130PP CSBGSZ10999PP CSBSGR100PP CSAGSZ10999PP CSASGR100PP CSB100 CSB130 CSB200 CSB300 CSB400 CSM100 CSA100 CSA130 CSA200 CSA300 CSA400 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS AND TECHNICS Ø PIPES PVC mm. When the connection of the channal with the sewage is made through the end sockets (art. TCB and TCA) the outlet pipe must be proportionated for diameter and slope to the capacity gathered and evacuated by the channel. In a specific case when the channel CSA 130 which requires an end socket with 100 mm. discharge is used, the slope of the connecting pipe must be of at least 1,5% (tab. 3).