
43 GRIDFRAMES ANDLIDS IN FIBERGLASS REINFORCEDNYLON Tensile stress tests were carried out under extreme conditions and with a concentrated load in the middle of the cross-members (see testingmethod of ISTITUTO GIORDANO). Using suchmethod further increased the safety margin since, in real conditions a wheel load is distributed all over its print, therefore on a greater number of cross-members. Full load tonnage 12 tons per axis (3 tons per wheel) n° 10 cross members involved CONCENTRATED LOAD DISTRIBUTED LOAD DISTRIBUTED LOAD mm.250 BREAKING LOAD DIMENSION Kg. 800 Kg. 500 Kg. 600 Kg. 500 Kg. 600 mm. 130 mm. 200 mm. 300 mm. 400 mm. 650 SECURITY LOAD Kg. 400 Kg. 250 Kg. 300 Kg. 250 Kg. 300 is a trademark for grids and covers made of a special and very strong patentedmaterial based on fiberglass polyamide. Virtually numberless customizations can be obtained by assembling the cross-members (the single items that will make up the grids or covers) in a sequence. , is available in same widths as the drainage channels, and perfectly integrates in the PRATIKO system to cover drainage works. is the only drive-over grating with double-T beam structure. This is why this product can stand even the maximum loads defined in EU standards, namely 120 quintals per axis, within safety limits. Limits provided for this type of material are equal to 50% of the ultimate breaking load. As you can notice in the illustrations below (that show the product reversed), the load-bearing structure of bottom i s specially reinforced. This characteristic allows all grid and cover types bearing this trademark to guarantee considerably high resistance. MG13 - MC13 MG20 - MC20 MG30 - MC30 MG40 - MC40 MG65 - MC65 25 25 25 25 25 A B C 20 20 20 20 20 130 200 300 400 650 A B C L Cross-members are retained to one another very simply. Just align the double male/female couplings and snap them closed to lock the cross-members into a single component (see figure on the left). LOAD BEARING CAPACITY OF