RAINGUTTERCHANNELSWITH METALLIC EFFECT 31 CUPRAELITE is a special Copper effect that, applied to modern PVC gutter systems, provides an aesthetic result similar to traditional copper products. CUPRAELITE products simulate the colour characteristics and reflections of copper through a PVC "co-extrusion" process that First Plast has developed first in the world. Unlike copper, however, CUPRAELITE is not affected by weather conditions in terms of oxidation or dulling, nor does it suffer fromprice fluctuations as metals usually do. The CUPRAELITE PVC gutter, has a wide range of accessories and downpipes that supplement functionality of the rainwater drainage system. The co-extruded CUPRAELITE PVC gutter with copper effect is available in the round types: GR100R, GRN125R, GRN133R, GR145R or with a square profile (BEST); the CUPRAELITE with antique Copper effect is available in model GRN125RA. First Plast has developed the STEEL line, the new steel effect -frequently used in applications in Italy -which widens the range of products with metallic effect. The STEEL line is available in the model GRN125AC, and is complete with its accessories and downpipes. Copper Ef fec t An t i que Coppe r E f f ec t S t ee l E f f ec t coex t r us i on coex t r us i on